Defending Christ's Calling: A Study of Galatians 1
Key verse- Gal. 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Join us on a journey of discovery as we unpack the powerful message of Galatians' 1st chapter.
In this chapter, Paul passionately defends his calling as an apostle with conviction. We will dive into the circumstances surrounding Paul's calling and the revelation of Jesus Christ he experienced. Additionally, we will explore why Paul's authority was challenged.
Paul's Authority Validated - Gal. 1:1-2
In the early days of the church, God handpicked people to carry out crucial tasks known as apostles. These individuals were "sent with a commission" and were instrumental in spreading the message of truth.
Jesus chose twelve apostles from among his disciples, and it was later required for an apostle to have witnessed the resurrection.
It is worth noting that Paul personally encountered the resurrected Christ, as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:8-10. Despite not being among the 12 Apostles, he was a separate and distinct individual. As a result, he possessed the authority to address critical issues within the Galatian churches.
The Gospel Validated - Gal. 1:6-10
Paul's deep concern for the Galatians stemmed from their hasty abandonment of God's grace in favor of legalism. He was troubled by their growing fascination with the religion of the Judaizers, without seeking guidance from him as their spiritual father or the Holy Spirit.
The theme of grace was central and a necessity to Paul's letter, as it is God's gift to undeserving people. The Galatians were not merely changing churches or religions but were turning their backs on God's grace and choosing to follow human leaders who would ensnare them.
They needed to realize that salvation is a blessing from God through His grace, and by turning away from Him, they risked losing everything.
Paul was deeply troubled by the distortion of the gospel of God, a sin committed by the Judaizers. They professed to preach the gospel, but there can only be one gospel- one that is founded on grace and not works Ephesians 2:8-9.
Paul clarified that they were not preaching the gospel but a message so far from the truth that it could not be considered.
The Judaizers were and are like modern-day cultists who claim to believe in Jesus Christ but teach that it takes more than believing; there must be something else that you had to do to obtain salvation besides confessing your sins and trusting in Jesus.
However, nothing can be added to the grace of God that is better than what has already been given.
Paul's Calling Validated by God - Gal. 1:11-17
Paul's adversaries used his nonconformity to discredit his message, alleging that he was not a genuine apostle. Nevertheless, in Galatians, Paul refutes this accusation by explaining that his view was deliberate and divinely ordained. He highlights that his message and ministry are of divine origin, having received the gospel directly from Jesus Christ Himself vs. 11-12.
Paul's conversion was an undeniable spiritual miracle that could only be accomplished through God's grace. God not only saved him but also called him to be an apostle and gave him the gospel message.
To deny Paul's apostleship and gospel is to deny his conversion. His message was the same truth that transformed him, and his past conduct as a church persecutor and his dramatic change proved that his message and ministry were from God.
The profound shift in Paul's life could not have been achieved through human means alone. In conclusion, Paul's argument was conclusive and serves as a testament to the transformative power of God's grace.
Application -
The question we need to ask ourself “have we been validated by God?”
As we strive to serve God and His kingdom, remember that our validation comes solely from Jesus Christ. If we have accepted Him as our Lord and Savior, we can rest assured that we are validated in the eyes of God Romans 3:22-26.
Being born again means we are in the right standing with Him and can confidently walk in that truth.
The second part is “whether the gospel or good news has been validated in your heart.”
Living as a Christian means fully embracing the gospel and allowing Jesus to become a part of your daily life. Through Him and the gospel, you can reach Heaven.
It's important to remain committed to this truth and not be swayed by those who claim there is another way. Remember, Jesus is the only way Acts 4:12.
It's important to remember that “God has validated your calling.”
Jesus called upon all His disciples to spread the gospel, as seen in Matthew 28:18-20.
You play a critical role in leading others toward salvation. And as Ephesians 2:10 reveals, God has predestined specific tasks for us to undertake.
You need to recognize your immense significance to God's family. Don't let uncertainty hold you back from releasing the talents and potential that God has given you.
Apostle- An envoy, ambassador, or messenger tasked with executing the directives of the commissioning party.
Disciples- Devoted followers of Jesus Christ.
Resurrection- Coming back to life after death.
Legalism- Strict adherence to legal regulations.
Judaizers- Believed that all Christians were still obligated to follow the Levitical laws of the Old Testament.